Provider of this website is
Ludwigstraße 173
86899 Landsberg am Lech
Telephone +49 8191 5380
Telefax +49 8191 59737
CEO: Rosemarie Benesch
Commercial Register: Local Court Augsburg
VAT ID: DE 128810107
Copy-/Property Rights
The publications displayed on these pages are subject to the German Copyright Law. Contents and rights of third parties are marked as such. Reproduction, processing and any type of use beyond what is permitted under copyright requires written authorization of Rosemarie Benesch or from the respective author. Downloads and copies from these sites are strictly for private and non commercial use. Should you desire to take on any content or parts of our website, please contact us.
Liability concerning links
External links included in our website lead to third-party content for which the respective third party alone is responsible. These links will be removed immediately if legal violation is reported.
Data protection policy
Dear customer and visitors of our website, The protection of your data and personal rights and the observance of your right of information self-determination with regard to the collection, processing and use of your personal data are important for us. Our data protection practice stands in unision with the federal law for data protection (BDSG) as well as the teleservice law for data protection (TDDSG).
Acquisition and Use of your Data
We only receive your personal data, which you agreed for us to save by signing up for our newsletter. The disclosure to unauthorized third parties outside of Benesch shall not be permitted. Information going beyond the scope of this agreement will not be saved by Benesch. You can cancel your subscription to our newsletter at any time.
Right to Information
You are entitled to request a written disclosure free of charge informing you which of your personal data Benesch has saved. Any corrections, bans or deletions desired by you after the provision of such information will be carried out by Benesch without delay. Should you have any questions regarding data secrecy within Benesch please send us a note via our contact form.
Company Data Protection
All of our employees have undertaken in writing that they are obliged to comply with the relevant regulations and directives on data protection and data security.
Landsberg, 01.09.2010
Rosemarie Benesch
Website, Design, Copy, Photography and Programming
artdirection4u ADVERTISING GMBH
Münchner Straße 44
6330 Kufstein – Austria
tel. +43 5372 22435